Hey what's going on everyone, This week was filled with a lot of good reading and nothing was terrible for once. So let's not dilly dally too much and get right down to it.
So this week I got around to finishing up reading the G.I.JOE omnibus. Wrapping up 200 something issues of continuity starting with the MARVEL comics run, The World War Three omnibus delivers so much awesome my head almost exploded. So as you can tell Cobra was up to some crazy jazz and started WW3. Sounds simple enough, well how about Cobra had infiltrated every government in the world and when they finally set the plan in motion, goal one is to take over the White House. Oh yeah thats only the first HALF of the massive 12 issue book. So don't hesitate too much and come get yourself a really good read and just support G.I. JOE damn it!
Next up we got GRIMM FAIRY TALES : RETURN TO WONDERLAND! Alice is all grown up, married, has 2 kids and is being haunted by the white rabbit. That's just the background story, The main story is that Alice's daughter,Carroll Ann, is pulled into Wonderland and has to deal with the sick and twisted things that now comprise Wonderland. Yes in the Grimm Fairy Tale universe, Wonderland is a bunch of rainbows and gumdrop kisses. In Grimm Fairy Tales, Wonderland is filled with psychos and sick shit. For example the Mad Hatter is an old dirty Rapist and the white rabbit is slowly rotting away. Well now that I have your attention, This week at the store(7/30/08) We are having the Writer of Return to Wonderland, RAVEN GREGORY, in for a signing. Everyone should totally stop in, read some Grimm Fairy Tales because of how awesome and twisted they are plus the writer of Grimm Fairy Tales is going to be here. So stop lolly gagging.
So shooting out from Image this week we have the MONSTER PILE-UP. For just 2 bucks, thats right 2 DOLLARS, Image is hooking everyone up with 4 short stories. Each short story is from 1 of Image's monster books. The 4 books are Proof, Perhapnauts, Astounding Wolf-Man, and Firebreather. All the stories are done by their normal creative teams and are an awesome way to check out some series you may not be reading. Each story really does get to the heart of what book is. Each story is really good and I've reviewed most of the titles contained within. The only one I haven't really read is The Perhapnauts because I wanna read from the beginning and we're getting in volume 1 this week so that will be making an appearance here next week. So anyways, Everyone should read this because it's a good intro for 4 good books and it's only 2 bucks.
And lastly this week we have the MINI MARVELS TRADE!! Yes finally the greatest goofy series of back up stories has been collected into one awesome volume. Now the Mini Marvels are the little 1 or 2 page stories at the end of most of Marvel comics. Now most of us probably see them as stories for little kids which they sorta are but only if your a little kid who reads the current Marvel stories. Everyone should totally be reading this book because it's hilarious and awesome and it is such a perfect spoof of Marvel. It's fun seeing a comic company poke fun of it's self. So yeah don't just sit there and read this, go get yourself some Mini Marvel's!
So that's it for this week, Sorry for the delay but the internet was down for a day in my house. Well anyways I got some news. I just started playing Diablo 2 again and I need some people for online games and what not. So if your in just send me a message via Myspace. My Url is Myspace.com/tpaone. so yeah Hit it up, Laters.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Hello there everybody, It's LB here for the 26Th time. Sorry I'm a little late. So let's not wait and delay anymore.
We all know I'm not a huge Superman fan but I recently finished the "Superman and The Legion Of Superheroes" by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank. I really have to say for a character I dislike, they made me like him. For most of the book Supes is without his powers because in the future Earth's sun has become red. It's pretty much "A Dude in Blue Tights and The Legion". But anyways, the whole reason Superman is in the future is because a bunch of Legion rejects have somehow risen up and declare that Superman was human not an alien. With Superman being declared human not an alien, the Legion rejects are attacking all non-humans on Earth. This story is definitely work reading and this is coming from someone who dislikes Superman.
Next we have issue #14 of Dynamo 5. I've probably already spoken about how awesome this book is and how everyone should read it. Well I'm saying it again because with issue #14, we have a really good jump on point for anyone looking to read monthly and not wait for the trades. This issue picks up from issue #13 with Dynamo 5 having broken up and Tower City under siege from super villains. Again Jay Faerber does an amazing job at writing intrigue and at keeping you involved. So go out. Get the first 2 trades and this issue. GO NOW!
After some awesome reading you should continue that with Essential Werewolf By Night vol.1. Coming straight out of the 70's, we have one of the greatest horror comics ever. Werewolf By Night is all about Jack Russell who comes to find out that he's really a werewolf and so was his real father. The art is amazing Mike Ploog does an awesome job at art and Gerry Conway writes an awesome story. Granted it's very 70's from the dialog and from how everyone is dressed, that just makes it more awesome because that means some disco kid is getting mauled by a werewolf. Now stop slacking and go get it. There's a reason they're called ESSENTIALS.
Lastly we have Amazing Spider-Man. God it's awful. Since they took Straczynski off of ASM, it's been on a spiral downwards of terrible. I mean it's out 3 times a month and all the stories are sub-par, villains show up for no clear reason and Spidey makes the lamest of jokes. Recently Daredevil showed up and made the comment of "I wish the isotope had made me deaf not blind" in regards to a joke from Spider-Man. Totally lame! The art has been good in ASM but the writing is awful and I just wish that they would choose a direction for the book already.
So that's it for this week. See everyone at the store.
We all know I'm not a huge Superman fan but I recently finished the "Superman and The Legion Of Superheroes" by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank. I really have to say for a character I dislike, they made me like him. For most of the book Supes is without his powers because in the future Earth's sun has become red. It's pretty much "A Dude in Blue Tights and The Legion". But anyways, the whole reason Superman is in the future is because a bunch of Legion rejects have somehow risen up and declare that Superman was human not an alien. With Superman being declared human not an alien, the Legion rejects are attacking all non-humans on Earth. This story is definitely work reading and this is coming from someone who dislikes Superman.
Next we have issue #14 of Dynamo 5. I've probably already spoken about how awesome this book is and how everyone should read it. Well I'm saying it again because with issue #14, we have a really good jump on point for anyone looking to read monthly and not wait for the trades. This issue picks up from issue #13 with Dynamo 5 having broken up and Tower City under siege from super villains. Again Jay Faerber does an amazing job at writing intrigue and at keeping you involved. So go out. Get the first 2 trades and this issue. GO NOW!
After some awesome reading you should continue that with Essential Werewolf By Night vol.1. Coming straight out of the 70's, we have one of the greatest horror comics ever. Werewolf By Night is all about Jack Russell who comes to find out that he's really a werewolf and so was his real father. The art is amazing Mike Ploog does an awesome job at art and Gerry Conway writes an awesome story. Granted it's very 70's from the dialog and from how everyone is dressed, that just makes it more awesome because that means some disco kid is getting mauled by a werewolf. Now stop slacking and go get it. There's a reason they're called ESSENTIALS.
Lastly we have Amazing Spider-Man. God it's awful. Since they took Straczynski off of ASM, it's been on a spiral downwards of terrible. I mean it's out 3 times a month and all the stories are sub-par, villains show up for no clear reason and Spidey makes the lamest of jokes. Recently Daredevil showed up and made the comment of "I wish the isotope had made me deaf not blind" in regards to a joke from Spider-Man. Totally lame! The art has been good in ASM but the writing is awful and I just wish that they would choose a direction for the book already.
So that's it for this week. See everyone at the store.
Sunday, July 13, 2008

It was the professor in the billiards room with the candle stick?! Oh wait wrong thing, hehehe. So what's going on everybody out in the world. It's the one and only LB JONES here once again to deliver the news of what's hot and what you should avoid like the plague. This week offered up some gold and nothing bad. I really enjoyed most of this week's new titles and some of the older ones I got to read. So let's not waste anytime and get right down to it!
A goody that I was finally about to get to finish reading is PROOF. Proof is a still sorta new title from Image. It's only 9 issues deep and the first trade has hit the shelves already. So your asking yourself "why should I read this book?" Well you should read this book because it's friggin' awesome. The main characters are an FBI agent named Ginger Brown who gets transferred to a special division based of of Washington.....State. When she finally gets there she finds out what the division is. Her new job is to hunt cryptids and by hunt I mean Find and Save. Cryptids are creatures such as the Jersey Devil, Pixies, Fairies and Bigfoot. Which speaking of Bigfoot, He's the other main character. Now come get this book before the real Bigfoot kicks your ass.
Next we have the second volume in the VAMPIRE HUNTER D manga series. This volume is the first of any of the Vampire Hunter D library to appear in anyform other than a book. That's right, the first volume and third volumes are the 2 movies. Also the first and third volumes are also the first and third in the book series. So anyways, This time around D is hunting for vampires. What that's not interesting enough?! OK FINE! These vampires can walk in the DAYLIGHT! HA! Bet you didn't see that coming did ya?! DID YA?! oh boy. Sorry about that I just am such a huge fan of this series I get a bit too excited. So anyways the art in this volume is just as gorgeous and brooding as the last. Don't hesitate too much with this book, It's a throughly enjoyable read and it's a fresh Vampire Hunter D story for everyone seeing as it's the first "NEW" story.
Thirdly we have Pilot Season : Urban Myths. This is the new Jay Faerber book or one shot for the time being. Now if your unfamiliar with Pilot Season what it is is Image produces 5 or 6 one shot stories that when all are out, the fans vote for 2 of them to receive the right to become an ongoing title. Urban Myths is my pick because everything that Jay Faerber has written that I've read (Noble Causes, Dynamo 5, Gemini) has been amazing and this one shot issue continued that. Urban Myths is about a detective named Jack Kaklamanis or as he's known on the streets "Jack Medusa" and in reading Urban Myths you find out why. The story takes place in the city of New Athens. If you've noticed the whole theme of the books is greek myths have taken life and live in an urban setting. Now the actual main story revolves around Jack being hired to locate a runaway girl which how he finds her takes him to the depths of Hell. Urban Myths is really well written and the art fits the story perfectly. I'd really like to see this become an ongoing title because there is so much that can come out of this book and I just see really good reading in the future if this gets picked up. So please make my wish come true!
Last but Definitely not least we have issue #0 of Captain America : White. This is the fourth installment of the Jeph Loeb/Tim Sale color series from Marvel. With this one they focus on how Cap really felt about Bucky and his death. Now issue #0 is only a teaser issue but it really helps to set the tone and focus of the title. Also if you've ever read any of the other three color series just pick this up and enjoy yet another good read. The first three color series are Daredevil:Yellow, Spider-Man:Blue and Hulk:Gray. All of which are amazing and everyone should read because they add so much depth to the respective characters. So with Captain America:White, we get to see the magic happen for a fourth time and I promise it won't fail to be one amazing read. So go get this nice starting point.
So that's it folks, This is week 25 and damn am I happy to get here. Now we're making our way over to week 50. See you guys in 7.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Hey what's goin on party people?! Once again I, LB JONES, will be telling you guys whats the hotness and whats super garbage in comics. Just a quick note, I missed last week due to half of the shopping plaza losing power because of the thunderstorms and my not wanting to risk frying the computer in case of a power surge. So let's not wait around and get into it.
Starting this week we have THE ASTOUNDING WOLF-MAN! This now monthly series is brought to you by Robert Kirkman, the man responsible for Invincible,Brit,Walking Dead,Capes and Battle Pope. With this month's issue Kirkman makes the book a monthly title instead of a bi-monthly. So now we're gunna be getting some super hero/horror action every month, WOOT! This is really one of my favorite books and if your not reading it, You are a dummy and should get trade number 1 when it finally hits the shelves in a month. So this whole issue starts the reveal of who Zacharia is and why he was/is so eager to help the Astounding one. Plenty of blood and werewolf action beautifully drawn by Jason Howard. If I was you guys, Buy issue #8 when it drops next month and than get trade one and enjoy it's awesome.
Next we have BATMAN! YAY BATMAN WOOOOOOOOT! Not so much actually. Grant Morrison has gone crazy and has become a terrible writer for some reason. This month's issue of BATMAN jumps around way too much, is hard to follow and doesn't connect with what's going on in Robin or Nightwing. Both of whom show up and get their asses handed to them. The only good thing about this story is Tony Daniel's artwork. It's really top notch stuff, too bad he has terrible story telling skills. That's all about that. So yeah, JUDD WINICK PLEASE COME BACK TO BATMAN, YOU WERE AWESOME!!!
Sneaking it's way in from the invasion is SECRET INVASION: FRONT LINE. This series has just always been really good for it's skill at showing what it really is like during the big Marvel events. This one is more of like a disaster film type setting than the others seeing as it's an all out war type story it's pulling from. Brian Reed captures amazingly what it's like to be trapped in a battle ground. The focus of this Front Line is on 3 separate people. It's really just an awesome book and if your reading Secret Invasion, you should be reading this. Now come and get it!
So I totally loved the first issue of the new ETERNALS ongoing and I finally got to finish reading the Neil Gaiman ETERNALS series that came out a year ago and god was it good. I totally didn't like John Romita Jr's pencils but Gaiman's story was absolutely amazing I could deal with bad art. Everyone should read this book and will love it because it's so amazing and it brings the ETERNALS back so perfectly I couldn't stop reading it when I started. Now come get this and the first issue of the new series if you haven't gotten it and enjoy the AWESOME!!
Starting this week we have THE ASTOUNDING WOLF-MAN! This now monthly series is brought to you by Robert Kirkman, the man responsible for Invincible,Brit,Walking Dead,Capes and Battle Pope. With this month's issue Kirkman makes the book a monthly title instead of a bi-monthly. So now we're gunna be getting some super hero/horror action every month, WOOT! This is really one of my favorite books and if your not reading it, You are a dummy and should get trade number 1 when it finally hits the shelves in a month. So this whole issue starts the reveal of who Zacharia is and why he was/is so eager to help the Astounding one. Plenty of blood and werewolf action beautifully drawn by Jason Howard. If I was you guys, Buy issue #8 when it drops next month and than get trade one and enjoy it's awesome.
Next we have BATMAN! YAY BATMAN WOOOOOOOOT! Not so much actually. Grant Morrison has gone crazy and has become a terrible writer for some reason. This month's issue of BATMAN jumps around way too much, is hard to follow and doesn't connect with what's going on in Robin or Nightwing. Both of whom show up and get their asses handed to them. The only good thing about this story is Tony Daniel's artwork. It's really top notch stuff, too bad he has terrible story telling skills. That's all about that. So yeah, JUDD WINICK PLEASE COME BACK TO BATMAN, YOU WERE AWESOME!!!
Sneaking it's way in from the invasion is SECRET INVASION: FRONT LINE. This series has just always been really good for it's skill at showing what it really is like during the big Marvel events. This one is more of like a disaster film type setting than the others seeing as it's an all out war type story it's pulling from. Brian Reed captures amazingly what it's like to be trapped in a battle ground. The focus of this Front Line is on 3 separate people. It's really just an awesome book and if your reading Secret Invasion, you should be reading this. Now come and get it!
So I totally loved the first issue of the new ETERNALS ongoing and I finally got to finish reading the Neil Gaiman ETERNALS series that came out a year ago and god was it good. I totally didn't like John Romita Jr's pencils but Gaiman's story was absolutely amazing I could deal with bad art. Everyone should read this book and will love it because it's so amazing and it brings the ETERNALS back so perfectly I couldn't stop reading it when I started. Now come get this and the first issue of the new series if you haven't gotten it and enjoy the AWESOME!!
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