So lets start with one of the best books I've read this month, Richard Sala's The Chuckling Whatsit. It's a classic "ordinary guy thrown into crazy situation" type of story, involving a serial killer, secret societies, and yes, 'whatsits' (you'll see). Firstly, it is extremely well-written; I never knew where the story was going (which is rare nowadays), and while it was reminiscent of old horror movies and pulp novels, it also felt brand new at the same time. And although the plot is convoluted in the beginning, it never feels dense. You won't want to rush to the ending. Second, Sala's art fits the story perfectly. It's what made me pick up the book in the first place, and it pulls the reader into the story, creating a...."unique" atmosphere. Sala's style has been compared to Edward Gorey's, whose influence is definitely there, but it reminded me of a cross between Edvard Munch and The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari -- very expressionist and unrealistic (this has probably been said about him before). The buildings and streets are warped and gothic - the people even more so, and it makes you pay careful attention to every panel. The art is attractive from the very first page and it gives the book a lot of character. My only advice for those who decide to pick it up is to give it an honest chance. The plot is confusing at first, but let the story unfold and you won't be let down.
I'd also briefly like to remind everyone that the final issue of Y: The Last Man is coming out this Wednesday. And while I'd love for the story to continue on forever, getting some closure is exciting. I've been reading Y for a few years now and not one issue has let me down, so I urge everyone to pick it up. Of course, it is available for your reading pleasure at Comic Book Jones, along with The Chuckling Whatsit, so drop by and tell them Slacksy sent ya. See you guys next week!
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