Saturday, February 23, 2008
So this week we get the complete HUNTER KILLER. This book is brought to us from IMAGE and is absolutely amazing. We see the government completely erase the existence of super-heroes, the world be almost destroyed god knows how many times and MARC SILVESTRI drawing the first six issues of this amazing 12 issue story. Highly recommended that everyone in the world read this right now!
Fear Agent volume 3 comes out this week and got damn you should read it!! It's the origin story of Heath Hudson and thats the perfect jump on point to the series. What better way to read a new book than with the main character's origin. Now go get this book and revel in how amazingly amazing it is. NOW!
Coming from Marvel we have Marvel Adventures: Avengers. I know what your gunna say..."Isn't that the kids line at Marvel?" And yes it is but it's sooo awesome and fun. Each issue is a one shot story about the Avengers! NOTHING COULD BE BETTER!! Now go read it!
And finally we have a not so new title but one that deserves a little spotlight. It is non other than THE CREEPER! Yes the Creeper, DC's resident nutcase superhero. Expertly done by Steve Niles, This version of the Creeper is crazier, Nuttier and just Bat-Shit Crazy. With his origin containing the Joker this is definitely not a book to miss. So go get this right now....Like right now now!
So that does it for me this week and oh wait....Gotta go help you guys at the store. LATERS!!
Friday, February 15, 2008
From Image this week we have Gutwrencher. This is a new title from Keith Giffen and Steve Niles. It's all set up people but it's really good set up. The story thus far is about this guy who finds a log in a stream and winds up killing his girlfriend/wife. And to boot there's a 10 year Hight School reunion in town and his sights are set for it! Pretty much Gutwrencher is like Friday the 13th meets National Lampoon High School Reunion. Totally worth picking up and checking it out to see where it goes.
Next From Dark Horse we have THE GOON! I know that I've probably have reviewed The Goon before but this title is soo amazing that it needs to be reviewed again. We see the return of the ZOMBIE PRIEST and we actually get a little hint at more of his history. That's definitely exciting. As always Eric Powell's art is amazing and Dave Stewart is doing an awesome job on coloring. Highly recommend reading this book.
Coming from the MARVEL MAX imprint, we have DEAD OF NIGHT. This 4 issue mini will be focusing on Man-Thing but in the classic form of the old but amazing EC BOOKS! There's a narrator named the Digger and he gives the creep and chuckle vibe that the keepers gave way back in the 50's. Issue 1 is a retelling of Man-Thing's origin. Which I think is awesome because origin reminders are always good. So if you like horror and you like Marvel, GO GET THIS BOOK!
Lastly coming from DC, we have issue 5 of the absolutely amazing series named Green Arrow and Black Canary. It's five issues in and every single one of them has been friggin awesome. If you do not read this book you are crazy. In this one we find out exactly the extent of the damage the blast did to Conner and we see Ollie being a real dad for the first time in his life. I can't really say too much more or I'd be giving away the story. So if you wanna know more just come on down and read it!
So that's it for this week everyone. See everyone on Wednesday and right back here Next Friday. Guarantee on that being here Friday thing.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Your response to Comic Book Jones as a shop and as an escape has been tremendous!!!
We truly are lucky to have the best friends a comic book store/lounge could have. I say friends instead of customers because ....well if you have been in the place you know exactly what I mean. Sure we sell stuff and you buy it but that's just the way things work out in the real world (which is boring and that's why we opened CBJ), I wish we could just give away the stuff buuuuuut..
I personally want to thank my partner and my staff (family) you are some of the most amazing and supportive beings in the universe, I really love you crazy kids. Speaking of the CBJ staff did you know Waffle has webbed toes? Or that Tiger will snap his fingers like crazy when he is walking toward the office to get something important done? Or if you tiptoe up to Mama and whisper "Bruce Willis" in her left ear she'll turn and spit on the floor at your feet? All true. Just pay attention next time you're hanging with us at the shop.
So tell me folks how are we doing? Is there any thing we can do for you? Please respond and let us know.
And now some useful info...SHIPPING UPDATES:
Hellblazer #241 - 2/20/08 - 2/27/08
Green lantern #28 - 2/27/08 - 3/05/08
Kick Ass #1- 2/20/08 - 2/27/08
Powers Annual '08 - 2/6/08 - 3/26/08
Hulk #3 - 3/26/08 - 4/23/08
Hulk #4 - 4/23/08 - 6/25/08
Talk to ya at the shop!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Tales From The Back Issue Bin!! Vol 3!!
Well, here we go. First off, the cover is awesome. It has a bunch of chibi characters on it! The book itself was pretty cool, but i was lost, completely lost. Taskmaster looks awesome. And thanks to LB, I know who Agent-X actually is. But, our heroes meet my favorite X-men villain, Arcade! He talks to Agent-X, who is half unconscious. But, once again, random violence in a comic. Taskmaster tries to make some jokes, i chuckled. The really weren't funny at all. But overall, I kinda wanna go back and check the other issues out. But, not knowing what was going on, it was cool, but just bad at the same time.
I'll give Agent-X 5, 2.5 out of 5 special gold stars.
Join me next week when I tackle the an Akira issue.
[A Baby Cries]
Comic Book Confidential 2

Hey readers!
Slacks is back for another look at comics that you should be checking out. This week, I'd like to bring an overlooked Marvel title to your attention: Omega: The Unknown. This is a re-imagining of the short-lived and unfinished 1970s series, which I admit that I've never read, so I will not attempt to compare the two books or anything like that. The story follows a young boy named Alex who, after moving to New York City, finds out his parents are robots, keeps running into superheroes (and super villains), and discovers his own power of shooting fire beams out of the palms of his hands. The current Omega: The Unknown was written by Jonathan Lethem, author of acclaimed novels such as Motherless Brooklyn and The Fortress of Solitude, and as the writer's first jump from novels to comics, its very good. I think the style of Lethem's dialogue adds something special to the book because it sounds almost super-literary. Another aspect of the writing that I found interesting is that it feels like a superhero book and an indie book at the same time. There is a typical superhero story, but it is occurring as a small part of our real world. It never strays into the realm of complete fantasy, which is something I found very refreshing.
But what I think gives the book most of its effectiveness is Farel Dalrymple's artwork. His last major work before this was the excellent series Pop Gun War, which is hands-down one of my favorite comics. I have to admit I had some hesitation before picking Omega up because I wasn't sure if Dalrymple's art would fit the story. Turns out it compliments the writing perfectly. The pencils are sketchy, the people (including the super heroes/villains) look realistic and mundane, and the action is pretty subdued. There is a real personal quality to the art that's very warm and gives the book a lot of charm. The panels are not typical for a hero comic -- nary a splash page in sight; Dalrymple doesn't draw to show off his talent - he draws to tell the story effectively and he succeeds. Feel free to disagree, but I think that there are many artists in the industry that strive to draw a certain way instead of finding their own style, which causes many superhero books to look similar and prevents many artists from standing out. It's nice to pick up a book once in a while that looks like nothing else on the shelves.
By the way, feel free to comment and let me know what you think! Agree with me, think I'm crazy, or want to let me know about a book you think I should check out? Drop me a line.
Well, that's all for now. Issue #5 of Omega: The Unknown just came out this past week and is available at Comic Book Jones!
Friday, February 8, 2008
First we have The Magdalena:Blood Divine trade. The Magdalena is the descendant of Mary Magdalene and has the power to make people relive their greatest sins. In Blood Divine we see the current Magdalena called to a church over in France to deal with a vampire problem. Now I know what your saying "Why is the descendant of Mary Magdalene hunting vampires?" That's the cool part. Now go buy this book.
Next we have issue 2 of the DARKNESS. This is by far the book I can't wait to read every month. We see the darklings finally get some use and kill some people and laugh about it. Jackie launches a counter-revolution in the country he took over and the rebels have the US OF A backing them. Whats not to like?
Coming in 3rd we have ARMY OF DARKNESS #6. Ash again is the best of the badass heroes. This time we see Ash run over some alternate earth morons get run over by Ash and than Ash gets beat on by their girlfriends. After said beating Ash is than carted off to a medieval football stadium. That's were I'm leaving off just cause you wanna know what happens in that there football stadium.
And lastly we have the newest issue of UNCANNY X-MEN. Messiah Complex is over and now the X-Men need to rebuild. The whole issue is of Scott and Emma contemplating on how to rebuild the X-Men and the school. I'm not going to go into much detail because this issue was amazing and I don't wanna spoil the future of the X-Men for ya.
Friday, February 1, 2008

Hey there everyone, it's LB here again. Some pretty amazing stuff happened in the world of comics this week. Black Adam tried a new drink, A man got his hands caught in the Zipper, Some rodents learned kung fu, and Cap got a new costume!!
The last issue of Black Adam: Dark Age came out on Wednesday and all I have to say about it is CHOCOLATE EGG CREAM!! haha Thats it go read it NOW!
Also this week we got the third issue of Zipper. It was pretty decent. The story is pretty sound. Pretty much it's this alien(Zipper) is trying to get away from his ultra repressive world and he's now hunted by those from his world. Issue three opens with the Zipper having cut someone's hand's off. It's pretty quick read and I really enjoyed it. So go check it out
Reaching back to the 80's we have the return of ADOLESCENT RADIOACTIVE BLACK BELT HAMSTERS!! I thought that this was goin to be ultra goofy and overly played out with horrible jokes but in the end I was surprised. It was actually pretty clever with the character bases and their attitudes towards their masters. If your up for some pretty characterized hamsters kicking ass and taking names, go get this book.
And lastly we have CAPTAIN AMERICA. What is there that cannot be said about this book. So we're 34 issues in and it's still fresh. We see the arrival of the NEW and I stress NEW because STEVE ROGERS IS DEAD, GET OVER IT! So as I was saying, we see the NEW Cap's first appearance. Now I for one thought the new suit would look dumb but with Steve Epting doing the art detail the new costume looks really really good and the reason for a new costume will make all die hard Cap fans go "wow look at marvel having respect for Steve Rogers" So if you haven't been reading Cap, please do yourself a favor come down to the store and read the first trade or buy it and than read it. Thats what the lounge is for.
That wraps it up for this week's installment of THIS WEEK IN COMICS!! See everyone at the store on Wednesday and back here next Friday.