Saturday, March 15, 2008


Hey, Waffle here with another installment of "Tales From The Back Issue Bin!!".

First things first, I’d like to apologize for the lateness. I have been helping Captain Carvel and his carvel Crusaders with their problems. Figures it was about ice cream.

This weeks book is Akira 5, from the "Akira" section. Still love being tossed into sheer randomness.

Here I go again. On my own. Goin’ down the.... No, not again. Sorry about that. First off, Akira is awesome as a whole. I’ve never read the books before, but have seen the movie. The book starts off and it takes a page or two for the story to continue. So I find myself coming upon quite possibly the greatest line in a comic ever. The bartender asks if anything is wrong, and the response simply is "NOTHIN’!! I CAN’T CONTAIN MY INDIGESTION!" Further on more plot filled conversations, then the fighting. And boy do I love it. Simply beautiful. The reason I am not giving any story away, is because all of you reading this should read Akira. And my sources (L.B) tell me that there is a set of hardcovers coming out that will collect all of the issues. Hopefully they will be colored. But overall, I love Akira. Oh, and by the way, there was a section telling me what happened in the past four issues. Those are my best friends.

I’ll give Akira 5, 5 out of 5 special gold stars.

Join me tomorrow when I tackle an Alias issue.
*snaps fingers*

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