Sunday, April 6, 2008


Hey there all you Hip cats out in comic book land! It tis I, LB, once again to bring you the latest and greatest in the world of comics. This week we have some heroes who are INVINCIBLE, while others who are a bit more invaded. Also some trials have come to an end for a young hero while for others are on a quest for some closure.
Storming out of the IMAGE bullpen, we have INVINCIBLE. Now this week did not have a new issue but it did have me finishing reading the entire series graphic novel collection. So that's 8 volumes I've read in this here past week. Now I bet your saying to yourself "What makes Invincible so different from other superhero titles. Well I'll tell ya. Invincible is funny, action packed and the characters speak in the same vernacular as we do. A perfect example of the speaking in the same way is in the latest issue when Invincible catches his college roommate/life long friend trying on his costume. The entire scene is said roommate trying to explain why he's wearing it and Invincible calling him gay with a smile on his face so you know he's only messing around. Now at some point in your life something in the nature of that has happened to you and thats been the response. Another thing great about this book is that it's all contained to itself. There is no need to go and read 4 other books to understand it. It's you read trade one and your set. You don't need to read any other book to understand what happens because it's all there. Now finish reading this blog and come get some Invincible. You will not be disappointed.
Rocketing in from deep MARVEL space we have SECRET INVASION, which quite honestly one of the best books of the year. It's only issue one and all hell has broken loose on the Marvel Universe and it's only gunna get worse for some characters. I'm just letting ya guys know that a lot of questions are answered while a whole boat load are created and brought to the surface. Skrulls are revealed and heroes are turned into goo. Yes I said heroes are turned into goo. Now go read it!
Like a thunderbolt from DC, we have the last chapter of The Trials Of SHAZAM! Freddy Freeman has gone through a lot in the past year and boy how does it end. Demons, Magic and The Justice League?! Yeah that right the JLA show up and we all know how Big Blue and magic go together. If you haven't been reading this YOUSE A SUCKA! Totally worth grabbing the first trade and reading it. Judd Winick takes an old character and brings him up to date. So come on down and get your shazam on!
And last but surely not least we have YOUNG AVENGERS PRESENTS! Oh boy is this book good. Each issue is a spotlight on a different member of the Young Avengers. This month the focus was on Wiccan and Speed, The children of the SCARLETT WITCH. The whole focus of these two characters is on finding Wanda Maximoff is, so that way they can talk to her and figure out all the jazz surrounding them. To really go into what happens in detail would spoil it for ya so I'm goin to stop right there and say PEACE!
*LB was than struck by lightning and had to be rushed to the hospital because of the burns*

1 comment:

Brtton said...

Lb you hit it right on the head this week with your picks and their descriptions. I am loving Invincible and I dont think i need to say how good secret invasion was. He loves you. And i like the idea of peeking into the daily lives of the young avengers and seeing what makes them, them. Keep up the great work.