This week saw the release of the FORCE UNLEASHED graphic novel. Being that it's the adaptation of the yet to be released Star Wars: Force Unleashed video game, it had a lot to live up to and boy did it deliver. Taking place exactly 2 years before the Battle of Yavin(That's Return of the Jedi or Episode 6 for you lameoids) Force Unleashed is all about Darth Vader's secret apprentice. Now the whole focus of the book is that Vader wants to overthrow the emperor and is using his secret apprentice to create the means to do so. Now going any further into detail would totally give away the twists and turn of this book. Now the art is pretty typical for a Star Wars comic. To sum up the art work in one word, Beautiful. Never have I seen an ugly Star Wars comic and I highly doubt I ever will because they consistently choose spectacular artists. So do yourself a favor and grab a copy of this graphic novel. It's only $15.95 and for an original graphic novel it's pretty fair priced because usually they're $19.99.
Now this week is getting a DOUBLE DOSE in the comics section. We have Golly! by Phil Hester and it's being published by Image. Golly! is all about a carnival worker who becomes burdened with having to tell everyone in the world about the coming apocalypse and why they should be scared. Within the first 5 pages your laughing your ass off and the art is really well done. It's not the most amazing book to look at but is sure as hell isn't ugly. Issue #1 is the only one out so far so if your looking for something new to read why not start on a number #1.
So now we wander over to the movie section and this week I have a goody for you guys. This week I'm all about GODZILLA:KING OF MONSTERS. Now I recently read a review for this on Newsarama.com and made me go dig out my copy of it. Well Newsarama was dead on with their review about it so I'm just gonna copy/paste their review so you can see why I went back and grabbed my copy.
"Godzilla: King of the Monsters (1956): The title says it all. Godzilla is the king! The movie that launched an industry of atomic-powered monsters, Godzilla still reigns as the 400-foot tall champion. We recommend picking up the unedited Japanese version (Gojira) if you get a chance. It's longer, and it doesn't have Raymond Burr cut in as reporter Steve Martin. Regardless, Godzilla is king of rubber-suit land.
Despite the dated effects, the movie still holds up extremely well; it crushes by comparison the weak Devlin/Emmerich remake from 1998. Hell, the scene of Bob Goldthwait in a Godzilla suit stomping the model development in One Crazy Summer is about twenty times as good as the Devlin/Emmerich version. (Yes, there are those who argue the merits of the Devlin/Emmerich version. But we must insist: Godzilla is not an iguana). - Review By Troy Brownfield"
This week saw the release of the game TOO HUMAN for Xbox 360. Too Human is about the norse god Baldur and how he's helping humanity fight against the rising threat of machines. The plot sounds very much like the Matrix except for the fact the Matrix has no story and Too Human is jam packed with story. The graphics are pure beauty and the fighting system is really fun to use. The left and right triggers are your guns while the right joystick is your sword. Essentially if you wanna hack away at something with your sword, point at the guy with the right joystick and away goes Baldur sword in hand to beat the oil out of him. Now the there is no difficulty settings which makes you think it just gets progressively harder, which it does. Now the difficulty also has a lot to do with your class choice. If you choose the Berserker class, you rip through things quickly but die often because of the lower health whereas if you choose the Defender class, your going to die less but spend more time hacking away at the bad guys. It's just a fun game and it's definitely worth picking up.
Well there's no TV section this week because I haven't seen anything really worth mentioning lately. So hopefully I catch something this week that everyone should check out. See everyone in a week and oh yeah LEAVE SOME FEEDBACK!!