Hey there everyone! It's me, LB JONES, once more to deliver the what's what in comics. So I'm gunna change it up this week and for the next few weeks. TWIC is going to be more than comics now. It's going to be me talking about Comics, Movies, TV and Video Games. The main focus will always be comics but since comics are now a multi media thing now It's only a natural progression to expand This Week In Comics. So let's not keep you guys waiting anymore and get one with the new and improved TWIC.
So kicking it off this week is SPOOKS :OMEGA TEAM #0. Coming from the minds of Larry Hama (G.I. JOE) And R.A. Salvatore(FORGOTTEN REALMS), Spooks is a secret government team that 's sole mission is to fight the supernatural. It's sort of like Nick Fury meets Proof meets Hellboy. The reason I add Nick Fury to the mix is because the leader of the team looks like Nick Fury and is as bad ass as Nick Fury. To sum up what Spooks is all about, Here's the description from Devil's Due Publishings website -- "Omega Team is the elite division of SPOOKS -- the baddest of the bad. Their job is to exterminate monsters with extreme prejudice, the things too dangerous for anyone else to handle." Check it out, It's 99 cents. It's not a 4 page preview. It's a full comic, so your not getting ripped off.
Now the first installment of the new set up will be for TV and the very first show to be featured is FREAKAZOID! Yes after 10 years of waiting, Steven Spielberg finally releases the greatest cartoon ever on DVD. It's only the first season but it's absolutely hysterical and it totally held up over the years. They do talk about computer speeds in one episode and if you know anything about computers you sit and laugh at how amazed at the speed of computers in 1995 as compared to today. So stop lollygagging and go get this first season and enjoy the awesome funny of FREAKAZOID!
Moving from TV to Video Games, We have SOUL CALIBUR IV. It's absolutely amazing. The graphics are perfect and the controls are as tight as ever. I have the XBOX 360 version where you get the ability to play as YODA and I have to say Yoda is so amazingly cheap it's ridiculous. He's so tiny you have to low attack all the time and you can't grab him! Also if you beat Arcade mode with Yoda, You unlock Vader's Secret Apprentice. The Secret Apprentice is the main character of the yet to be released Star Wars: Force Unleashed game. Well anyways. If you have an XBOX 360, Go buy this game and be amazed at the pure awesome of it. Now GO!
And to finish off this new format and to introduce the movie section, we have VAMPIRE HUNTER D. Now I've reviewed both the manga and the novels. This is quite possibly my favorite franchise ever. The animes are 2 of the greatest movies I've ever seen. The whole plot of Vampire Hunter D is that it's the year 12,090 AD and humans are now only starting to regain control of the world from the vampire nobility. D is the main character obviously, his whole deal is he's a vampire hunter whose also a dhampir(he's called a Dunpeal in the movies but that's do to translation errors). So he's hated by both sides. Vampires hate him for killing his own kind and helping humanity while humans hate and fear him for being half vampire. It's just such an awesome story and it's just refreshing to see the idea of vampires grow beyond just a vampire stalking someone for their blood. So definitely go get a copy of each movie plus read the manga or novels. All three medias are just spectacular.
So that wraps the new version of TWIC. Please let me know if this is working for you guys. If not I'll go back to the original style
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