Sunday, September 28, 2008


So after an almost 3 week hiatus, This Week In Comics has returned!! Sorry for not letting you guys know that TWIC was taking a break but I did not know either. The store has just been really busy lately and I haven't had a chance to hop aboard the computer. So let's not lollygag too much and get back into it.

Marvel released part 5 of 6 this week of the quite astounding book 1985. If you haven't been reading this title, you've been living in a cave for the past 6 months. 1985 is all about a young boy whose world is completely flipped around when he comes to find that the Marvel Universe villains have crossed over into his world. Now at this point in the series, it's still just villains who have crossed over while he has crossed over to the Marvel Universe. So do yourself a favor, come down to the store and pick up all the issues of this amazing title. It's really worth every penny.

So last night I went to the movies and I saw the movie CHOKE. Choke is from the same author of Fight Club. I had never heard of Choke but I have read and seen Fight Club so I was interested. I highly recommend this movie. It's all about a sex addict who is trying to figure out where to go in life but has no idea that that's what he's doing. It's complicated to explain without giving away the movie. So just head on down to your local theater and check it out

As of the past month, I have been on a 90's Image Comics binge and recently I've reread the WildC.A.T.S. & Cyber Force crossover "Killer Instinct." Now most people will frown upon this but I grew up with all of these titles and they all hold a special place in my heart. So for as terrible as the story may or may not be, I was in heaven reading what I grew up on and see as the foundation of my comic reading life. So even if you hate these old comics, just go back and reread them just for the hell and fun of it. Comics aren't meant to be groundbreaking all the time. To me, comics do break ground in the social scene of the world but they also provide an over the top escape into fantasy at times.

Lastly we have the new video game STAR WARS : THE FORCE UNLEASHED!! Quite possibly the greatest thing to ever happen to STAR WARS since the original trilogy. Set 2 years before Star Wars : A New Hope, Force Unleashed sets you as Vader's Secret Apprentice. And then the hilarity and awesome insue. I spent a good 20 minutes throwing wookies off a bridge. Its the funniest and greatest thing ever all rolled into one. And the cool part is that the Grahpic Novel that came out about a month ago is so good too, that the game is that much more because of how well the entire idea has been handled. So If you have an interest in the game, Buy the graphic novel to see if you like the story and if you dig the store go get the game. If you just love Star Wars, get both. Anyway you can get some form of STAR WARS : THE FORCE UNLEASHED

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