And i guess that's what's so intriguing about the book in the first place. How out of left field it is for a Jeff Smith comic. I remember my first encounter with a Bone comic, and years later finishing the epic and thinking to myself, "I'm enjoying this just as much now as i did when i was 11 years old." Rasl is in no way that kind of book. In fact, if you're a parent looking for another great graphic novel series for your kid because they enjoyed Bone EVER so much, this ain't the book. Check out the back cover where it says 'suggested for mature readers.' Look through it if you want. You'll see why...
Either way, Smith is still weaving an interesting tale. The second issue introduces a love interest who, I would imagine, will influence the decisions the main character will make for the rest of the series (you'll understand after issue two.) It also offers an explanation as to what (if not EXACTLY) was going on in issue one. Still early on... but I'm enjoying this...
There's a big difference in the character design in Rasl when compared to the designs in Bone... The stylization in Bone is often compared to that of a great Disney Cartoon. Simple slick line work, with tons of emotion and movement in the characters. Believable body language... I'd be lying if i didn't say that I believe Bone to be flawless in terms of character design. I unfortunately do not feel the same way about Rasl.
Smith, from what I'm seeing in these pages... is trying to get away from what he was doing in Bone... He's introducing grit and a degree of realism into the characters that he did not have in Bone and that is great. It's always good for artists of all kinds to try new things, and i don't blame him for it one bit. Unfortunately, I don't think it's working the way he wants it to work. These characters don't seem to be as expressive as his Bone lot. There's a lot of panels where characters seem to retain awkward body posture, and proportions that just don't work no matter what style you're trying to work in. I can't really tell what he's trying to do with these characters visually and i'm not sure if he even knows yet...
But don't let this be a hindrance on your reading the series. Regardless of the artistic hurdles Smith is currently overcoming (it happens to all the greats!), he's still giving us something fun and exciting to read. Check it out if you get the chance.
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