I just finished the ninth issue of Omega: The Unknown, and I had to come on here and tell everyone who stuck with it from the start, good for you... And to those of you who are still not in the know about this excellent mini series and a great collaborative effort by two extraordinary creators, don't worry. There is a collection hitting the stands in October and i urge ALL of you to pick it up!
That's right! All of you! Superhero fans. Indie-comic fans. EVERYBODY in between. This book is a perfect example of (and i quote the young disillusioned indie-comics fan and comic shop henchman from Mark Millar's recent MARVEL 1985 series) "something that's actually gonna advance the medium a little." I've been saying it from the start of the series. We've come a long way in the last 20 years as a medium. This book has broken boundaries that have been set in stone in mainstream comics for years.
The pacing and storytelling delivered by Dalrymple's sloppy line work, accompanied by Letham's genre bending prose is like nothing i've ever seen in a superhero book. It's hard to even consider this a superhero book, to tell you the truth. The characters are absurd and surreal, but still maintain a realistic human quality that is so hard to come by in stories like these.
I think i've said enough. I won't even get into the meat of this book. Odds are you already know because you're already reading it. Maybe. I hope?
Just do yourself a favor. If you can't catch up on issues, get your hands on that collection in October. If you can catch up on issues, do it immediately so that in four weeks you will experience the hopefully (more than likely) exciting conclusion to this perfectly executed story.
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